Combining industrial performance and sustainable development while remaining competitive requires that the biogas and biofuels industry ensure industrial process safety, reduce operational costs, implement solutions providing significant savings and comply with environmental regulations, which ultimately lead to the public’s acceptance of a site.

Evaporators are a technological solution for:

  • Treatment of digestate using hot water coming from cogeneration
  • Treatment of streams highly concentrated in sugars, to obtain a by-product for biogas plants feeding




ApplicationTyp Type ADDED VALUE
Digestate from anaerobic digestion of F&B/Agricultural by-products and manure RV, AC Nitrate and CO 2 reduction, digestate volume reduction
Digestate from anaerobic digestion of organic solid waste RV, AC Nitrate and CO 2 reduction, digestate volume reduction
Gas scrubber biogas production RV, AC Nitrate and CO 2 reduction, digestate volume reduction
Wastewater from biomass sugar transformation PC Water and product recovery, sludge reduction
New or revamping wastewater plants RV, AC Water reuse, disposal & operational costs reduction


Application Type ADDED VALUE
Gas scrubber biodiesel production (Fischer Tropsch) RV Water reuse, disposal cost reduction


Biogas wordt geproduceerd door vergisting van organische stoffen van dierlijke en plantaardige oorsprong in afwezigheid van zuurstof. Dit proces produceert een stroom genaamd: vergisting.


Men vertrouwd ons

  • Biogas plants – bijproducten mest, vaste stof, en vloeibaar afval
  • Biogas plants – Engineering firma’s
  • Biodiesel productie plants
  • Biomassa hydrolyse suiker productie